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They say there are five seasons in Maine… one of them being “Black Fly” season (learn more about these nasty buggers here). This comic is my answer for it 😉

In other news… I’ve got some good news – bad news – good news?

First the good news. A few of you are familiar with my other all-ages comic series “Araknid Kid”. It was a Zuda competitor, a part of Sugary Serials and issue 1 has been out for a little over a year now. I’ve been debating which route to go with the series in regards to continue standard floppy issues or compile it and release is as a graphic novel. Well, we’ve decided to continue standard floppy issues (and then compile issues into bigger trades). BangPop is a local con happening this fall and would be a great place to release the second installment of our Picto-Speaking hero. SO – I’m in the process of putting together the new issue’s pages. AT THE SAME TIME – I’ve got some things happening with my single panel comic “Tastes Like Chicken” (its on the web… sorta… I’ve got to update the website… but it runs in area newspapers). While all this happening, between the full-time job and freelance projects…. I’m running out of hours in a day…

So – as much as I would like to do everything – I can’t – which brings us to the bad news.

Heropotamus will be on hiatus after this Friday (there will be a comic on Friday… one I’ve wanted to do for a while 😉 ). There may be strips here and there (I can’t help but draw the characters 😉 ) which you can stay up to date by checking here or on the facebook page.

Which leads into the “good news?” – ever since I started the strip – I’ve thought that our hippo would make a cute plush toy. While I don’t have the resources to do something like that – the site Patch Together does. So I’ve submitted it for review. For those that don’t know – it works like threadless… but for toys. Where designs that get alot of positive votes and comments can chosen to be produced. SO – if you think it’d be cool to have a HeroP plush – vote for it here (and tell your friends 😉 )

I’ll also be looking to collect these first run of strips into a collection – and I have a few copies of the mini-collection I had at the convention (it’s 24 comics… one third of what’s here).

I’ve really appreciated all the positive response this spontaneous idea has received and looking forward to making more Heropotamus strips soon!

Discussion (12) ¬

  1. Kev Brett

    Great strip as ever!
    Good luck with all the other stuff – keep us updated on Twitter!
    Look forward to “The Return/Revenge of Heropotamus”


    josh Reply:

    Thanks Kev! Me too!


  2. Doug


    (hurry back!)


    josh Reply:

    I will…


  3. darrell

    Sorry to hear about the hiatus but I guess it’s a good thing that you’re busy and in demand. 🙂 I really want to get down to a con in the US but by the way, Fan Expo Canada is the last weekend in August in Toronto. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*


    josh Reply:

    Yeah, it is a good thing – like I mentioned, I wish I had time for it all….

    Toronto, eh? (see what I did there 😉 )

    We’ll see – I think I need a special passport card to cross the border….


  4. Bo Lumpkin

    Heropotamus will be sorely missed. Glad things are goin’ well for you. Stop by Gatorhead and drop me a comment sometimes so we don’t lose touch.


    josh Reply:

    Thanks Bo – I will!


  5. Trinity

    Well, I can’t say I am very happy about this. I voted for my Heropotomus plush and when you get the trade together of the strips, let me know as I need 2 copies.


    josh Reply:

    I understand… I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for voting – I REALLY want a Hero Plush 😀


  6. Bearman

    Didn’t I see the same thing in the Green Mile??

    I would say enjoy the break but you obviously are working hard.


  7. Bogmonster

    so you’re going to have a TPB of Araknid Kid at the con? or did i just completely misunderstand that?


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